Blogging Business.

   Hello Friends, How are you? 

Today I created this article for guiding you on Blogging as a BusinessWhat is blogging?  How to earn from blogging?  How to run blogs as a business? What is the profit and Investment with it? How much we have to write in a day?  and many questions I will clear in this article. So guys read the article carefully and keep supporting are blog! Businessbumf.

The first question many of us, who are new to blogging, arise that What is Blogging?

Today, blogging is a very identified or heard the word, But some people know its real meaning, If you write on a specific topic is known as blogging! In blogging you shares your knowledge with others.
Have you ever noticed, how Google answers all questions in a fraction of a second, How it Possible? In reality, through this blogs and website google gives solution to your question.
If you love writing, then blogging is a very good for you. In this you have to write on new topic everyday, it is beneficial for your writing skills. It will increase your knowledge by searching for new topics.
As a blogger you are your own boss you don't have to work for any else. You have the freedom to make the decisions and write as you wish. There is no hindering of any boss. 
You are, tension free in blogging. 
The creativity takes you to the door of success! 
Many peoples according to their internet came with there one blog on the market but when they experienced they starts work on a nich.
You need a marketing strategy for all this work. This all things are about knowledge.

Blogging Platforms and Domain Name

Now for starting blogging you have to know the platforms for blogging .there are many blogging platforms like Wordpress, Blogger, Tumblr, Medium etc. You can create a free blog on any websites out of this, but while creating blog your it join your site name with your domain name and if you want your choice domain name then you have to purchase it. 
You should keep your domain name related to your topic and if you don't purchase related domain name then you will arise many problems Related to Search engine optimization. On many domain store there are offers for 1st Year with discount, you have to search for it. Godaddy, Shopify, Instantdomainsearch, namemesh are some domain name generators.

Web Hosting 

web hosting service is a type of Internet hosting service that allows individuals and organizations to make their website accessible via the World Wide Web. Web hosts are companies that provide space on a server owned or leased for use by clients, as well as providing Internet connectivity.

You should know that your web hosting should be trustable So that your data remains secure, good server speed, more disk space, by keeping this things in mind you can purchase a good web hosting , There are many good and trustable web hosting are available on web hosting services.


Firstly, you have to spend 200rs - 1000rs for purchasing Domain name, For Web Hosting you have to invest nearly 400rs -500rs in one month but mostly any company predominates yearly web Hosting for that
investment is nearly 4,000rs-5,000rs.
After that If you want to apply creative  theme as your wish, in this according to your bugdet you can spend 3,000rs -4,000rs.
So by this way for starting one blog you have invest 10-12,000rs.

Blogging is a business in which you should have some special skills like Self-confidence and patience! This is not a eligibility, but as a blogger, you should have it because whenever you start a blogging site, its take minimum 6 months to 1 year for giving response infact anytime its takes more time. 
Thats why you have to keep patience and work with your full attention and one other thing which is also important is photo editing and thumbnail, this make your blog more attractive, sometime all your topic of blog can be described with the help of only one thumbnail. When visitors visits your blog and clicks on the attractive thumbnail to view, more clicks are beneficial for your blog.

 In Blogging Networking is a important point! With the help of Networking you can brings good, real and Large  numbers of traffic to you blog. Only that time you can make good network when you are available on all Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, etc. Be Active on all social media website, Join blogging community is very important for large number of traffic. 

Blogging is a two sided communication business, In this you should  made good contact with your readers and you should read there comment and give them answers
In blogging you should know how to read your reader's mind, what they want, which Information they want from you, which is the topic of there business, all this you should know. 

Search engine Optimization 

SEO is very important for blogging business. 
Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of optimizing your online content so that a search engine likes to show it as a top result for searches of a certain keyword.
 In search Engine Optimization their are so many little elements in SEO, sometimes it seems impossible for everything to work out perfectly.

 Think If you have an article about how to make Pizza at home, you want the search engine, mostly 90% people search on Google to show it as a top result to anyone who searches for the phrase “How to make Pizza?”
SEO is the illusion you have to work on your article in order to make Google very likely to include your post as one of the top results whenever someone searches for that keyword.
Hence SEO is a very important concept in blogging, you can say it is a heart of blogging! 

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