The Shocking Revelation of Affiliate Marketing.

Now a day, For 99% of people, Affiliate marketing is, how they get started.
The reality is that there are many ways to make money online! 
Let's move towards our topic-
The Shocking Revelation of Affiliate Marketing

Guess how many products will be made in a single day?

Any idea.
No, we can't either think it!
Millions of products will be made in a single day.

Affiliate marketing
Is it the marketing Or is it the advertising? Or maybe it’s the selling.

Yes, yes, and yes — it’s all of that and more.

But let’s start this Affiliate marketing guide at the beginning.

What is Affiliate Marketing? 

The process of promoting products of other people's or company's and earning commission is called Affiliate marketing, In this process, you can find your likely products, promote it to others and earn a piece of profit for each sale that you make. 

            Affiliate Marketing 

             Promoting other's Products 
               Earning our Commission!


In this changing and developing generation there are many Revelations takes place in the Affiliate Marketing. It has a one type of strong claim to be the most lucrative revenue stream you’ve never heard of.

William J. Tobin
He is known as the father of Affiliate Marketing. 
 In 19th Century, 
In 1989 he began Affiliate marketing. 
Tobin is the first Internet Marketer. He was a founder of the little remembered company called PC Flowers & Gifts. His company sold flower online and was first brand is the history to have an affiliate program By 1991 it had driven over $6m in sales and by 1998 and almost 3000 affiliate marketing partners.

 Many platforms like Amazon, JvZoo, Filpcart use Affiliate marketing for selling their product, they search the hidden talents of advertising and Reviewing in the commons of their products and Paid them for making there sell. 
They give a very dynamite chance to a common peoples to earn a good price commission. 
We just have to connect a computer with an internet, mixed with a generous amount of time and patience, add a dash of willingness to learn and have to write attractive and interesting Reviews on products like Softwares, Books, Apps, and many more products. 

While, in 1994, CDNOW launched their BuyWeb program. The idea of CDNOW was that music sites could review albums and link their visitors directly to CDNOW where they could purchase the albums.

I think that you all clearly know that It’s a common misconception that Amazon invented affiliate marketing. The real father is Tobin.
After CDNOW, Amazon has done some late coming work in this Affiliation party in 1996, they were the first to attract global interest. Their Affiliation model contains paying a commission as a percentage like 5%,10%, 25% of the sold product, and this became the model for many affiliate networks that followed. Peoples are getting started towards them as a affiliate marketer. 

In the same year, the two heads Johnson and Samuel Gerace Established BEFREE.
In the Same way LINKSHARE founded by Stephen and Heidi Messer. 

These later were followed after 2 years in 1998 by Commission Junction, the name is very good,  set up by some students from the University of CaliforniaSanta Barbara and now the world’s biggest affiliate marketing provider, and the Clickbank Network,founded by the two guys Tim and Eileen Barber.

These networks, which offered payment solutions and facilitated exchanges between affiliates and merchants, enabled smaller retailers outside of Amazon to get involved with affiliate marketing too.

JVZOO is the platform very good Affiliation platform were numbers of  software are uploaded daily for reviewing and promoting as a product, If you are interested for reviewing then you should have the approval for the product.

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