How to use Free time to be Successful?

Hello friend,
Today we are sharing some success getting
Tricks in Free time. The big successful entrepreneur and businessman also follow this trick in their day to day life. 
Ordinary people have passed this time as a holiday 
, By watching TV, Netflix series, parties, eating snacks and wondering here and there without any reason, but there are big difference between this stupids and the successful entrepreneur and businesses.
They don't pass their free time in this way!
So lets move towards are article. 

1) Learn Something New and Creative.

When you learn some  something new, the Happiness and joy getting is very different.
If you have enough time then you should  surely learn some skills, you can increase your value by monetizing the skills.
For learning the new skills you no need to go out, you can learn from home, you can learn on YouTube and Google-

   Learningdigital.with google/digitalskills
This Web site of google contains 125 different courses on different topics. You can select your interested subject related topic and learn these skills by managing your time. 
 In this -  Fundamental of digital marketing,  
Get business online, improve your online security, Effective networking, Business communication, social psychology, fundamental of graphics design, English of carrier development and many more courses are contian in this.
This new skills are beneficial for your personality development and you can earn money by monetizing of any one skill.

2) Meets new people /Networking 

Many people lives in the same people and community and there almost time spend with the same people, they doesn't meet new people.
When we meet new people we get new ideas,  we can exchange are thoughts, develop are speaking skill. If you are not meeting new people then start today,Create new friends, join seminar, visit events.
By meeting new personality we get many benefits. You can get knowledge in different fields from them. 
I know in this time period this could not possible due to this widespread corona virus, but you can do networking, on social media platforms like instagram, Facebook, twitter,you can search for good personality or experienced person and can talk with him.

3) Exercise 

Some things are like,  when we pressurize on it it get broken like dish, glass, etc but are body is one where, if we give more & more stress then it becomes more & more strong. If you don't give stress in it becomes weaker.  
Think that if you only eat and sleep on bed how your body condition damages. If you want to keep your mind and body fresh then you should do daily Exercise. By exercising your body productive also increases
 And your working energy also increases.
The some exercise you can should daily are -
Pushups, Squats, standing overhead, single leg deadlifts, Burpees etc. 

4) Reading books 

Reading is very important thing in life. Books are known as the best friend of human. And we all want that in us improve more then before, we can learn new things, change should take place in us, and if we want to change take place in us then the most important things are starting  reading books.
If we have some free time, then without wasting it for watching TV, we should read one book's 2 pages, 10 pages. Slowly interest will create in us of reading books. 
When we start reading books, you get educated through it, new thought of great people understand by us and slowly we can inculcate in us. There are some books we should read once in life -
1) Rich Dad Poor Dad          _ Robert Kiyosaki
2) Think and grow rich          _  Napoleon Hill 
3) Zero to One               _Peter Thiel
4) Steve Jobs                 _  Walter Isaacson
5) The Snowball            _  Alice Schroeder

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